中南林业科技大学 长沙,中南林业科技大学 长沙,中南林业科技大学 长沙
摘要: |
利用 2017—2018 年长沙市空气质量监测数据,分析了长沙市大气颗粒物 PM2.5 和 PM10 的时空
分布特征。结果表明:长沙市大气颗粒物 PM2.5 和 PM10 均表现为冬季 > 秋季 > 春季 > 夏季,冬季浓度最
高,PM2.5 和 PM10 分别为 62.87 和 89.22 μg · m-3;空间变化特征:PM2.5 浓度为长沙城区>长沙县>宁乡
县>望城区>浏阳市, PM10 浓度为长沙城区>宁乡县>长沙县>望城区>浏阳市;颗粒污染物 PM2.5 与
PM10 浓度有极显著的线性相关性,r = 0.853,P=0.000(P < 0.01);降水对大气颗粒物有显著消减作用,
使 PM2.5、PM10 的浓度分别下降了 17.93% 和 27.67%。通过调整能源结构、提倡绿色出行、增加绿量、人
基金项目:湖南省林业科技计划项目(XLK201642),湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目(18B171),国家林业局林业软科学研究(2013-R09),湖南省大学生研究性学习和创新性实验计划项目“长沙市道路绿化带滞留PM2.5的能力研究”,国家自然科学(31070410,30571487),湖南省自然科学创新研究群体基金(湘基金委字[2013]7号)和湖南芦头森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站运行补助。*通讯作者。 |
Temporal and Spatial Distribution of PM2.5 and PM10 in the Atmosphere in Changsha |
Chen Yazhen,liang xiaocui and Yan Wende
Central South University of Forestry & Technology,Central South University of Forestry & Technology,Central South University of Forestry & Technology
Abstract: |
Based on the air quality monitoring data from 2017 to 2018, temporal and spatial distribution
of PM2.5 and PM10 in the atmosphere was analyzed in Changsha city. The results show that PM2.5 and PM10
concentrations in Changsha city took on winter > autumn > spring > summer, and the highest concentration
appeared in winter, PM2.5 and PM10 are respectively 62.87 and 89.22 μg · m-3. Spatial variation characteristics:
PM2.5 concentration is Changsha city > Changsha county > Ningxiang county > Wangcheng district > Liuyang
city; PM10 concentration is Changsha city > Ningxiang county > Changsha county > Wangcheng district >
Liuyang city. There was a very significant linear correlation between PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations. The
precipitation had a reducing effect on atmospheric particulate pollutants. The precipitation can make PM2.5 and
PM10 concentration respectively decreased by 17.93% and 27.67%. The atmospheric particulate matter pollutioncan be effectively controlled by adjusting energy structure, advocating green travel, increasing green volume and
artificial precipitation in Changsha.
Key words:
atmospheric particulate matter; PM2.5; PM10; air quality; Changsha